Women & Burnout

Research shows that women are more susceptible to burnout than men. Especially if you are a caretaker. It’s compounded by intersectional identities.


CONGRATS!!! Your pregnant. Now what? There is a lot of conflicting information, you want to make the best decisions to keep your baby safe while staying empowered and true to yourself. You might not be able to see your healthcare team as often as you’d like. Here’s a tip for ya gorgeous: you can and should move during pregnancy. Did you know what on an RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) scale of 1-10, while pregnant you can push to an 8? I love healthcare workers, and I know how difficult it is to do what they want within the system. FWC is an extra support for evidence based information, emotional check ins, and overall care during this precious time.


Here’s the deal, you do not need to change how you exercise based solely on your age. You can and should build strength throughout your life. As your bone density declines with the privilege of aging, you can combat it with lifting heavy weights and jump training to create stronger, denser cells in your bones! At FWC we provide you community, personalized support, and evidence based information to help you maintain your strength, connections, and confidence.


Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to form new synapses. It’s how we learn. As an educator, I am fascinated by HOW and WHY we learn. At FWC we interleave the power neuroplasticity, your individual goals, and unlearn patriarchal societal bullshit to form new feelings, thoughts, and actions.


I am not going to tell you that if you eat a diet of beets, chestnuts, and clams during your menstrual phase then you will get ride of all your pre menstrual syndrome symptoms. I am going to tell you that you can limit stress in your body throughout your cycle, which will make you more at ease throughout your 28 day cycle.


If you have had a baby, you are postpartum. It doesn’t end 6 months after childbirth. The immediate postpartum period is a beautiful, stressful, transformative time where you can focus on rebuilding. At Feminist Wellness Collective, you will never focus on bouncing back. That’s male gaze crap. Instead, you will focus on springing forward with newfound strength and a care team that supports your navigation of matrescence.


I know, I know, you KNOW what you need to do, but you’re just not doing it, right? That’s where I come in. Listen, you don’t need to white knuckle everything. Proper nutrition should be healthful, fun, and easy. Most times, we just need to get down to basics, set achievable goals, and be consistent.


Restoration, empowerment, action with an everyday splash of sustainability. At Feminist Wellness Collective through intersectional feminism, the infradian rhythm, and neuroscience, we will restore our homeostasis. You are getting torn in one hundred different directions, you are fitting your mind & body into a man’s world, you are trying and trying and it feels like the needle isn’t moving. Sometimes the best thing to do is stop, recollect, take a mental health day, and just REST. From there, you can take empowered action. You will embark on your journey understanding that you are not alone, that the system is not designed for you, that your struggles are not individual. When you feel well, you do good for your community.


This sounds dumb, but it’s true. More is not more, consistency is consistency, and simple is not easy. With FWC you will move fast, slow, strong, and with mobility. You will exercise because you love yourself and your body. You will push yourself and you will let yourself rest. You will stop spinning on a hamster wheel running and going no where. You will set and achieve realistic goals, you will see results, you will gain insights about your strength, and you will not workout to burn calories. You will workout with intention, focus, and joy.

Intersectional Feminism

Feminism is the ideology that all genders are equal. Intersectionality is a framework defined by Kimberle Crenshaw that we have multiple identities at play that create different modes of privilege and discrimination. For example, race and gender are two intersectional political and social identities. The more intersects we have, the more dangerous society is. FWC is pushing to end this. Yet, when you see the world through an intersectional feminist lens, you see injustice everywhere. You feel injustice. These societal stressors are literal killers. The core of Feminist Wellness Collective is to address these inequities, rest assured you are not at it alone, empower ourselves to take action despite it all.


“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” -Audre Lorde