Feminist Groups in Longmont

The Feminist Wellness Collective has it’s first public appearance!

Looking for Feminist or Voting groups in Longmont, Colorado? It is an honor to be a part of the Front Range Community College Feminist Resource And Voter Registration Fair hosted by The Feminist Uprising Collective.

The Feminist Uprising Collective is hosting a resource fair and voter registration drive on October 3 and 4 from 10 am to 2 pm in the Student Commons. Promote voter turnout and participation, meet representatives of local organizations, and learn about relevant issues and how to get involved! 

The Feminist Wellness Collective will promote the newest offering of Personal Training for Menstruators, this website for resources, and our Instagram and Twitter pages to create a restorative, empowered, and active community.

We are an organization that supports political activism through voting and other means of civic engagement. We are a safe space for all people. We aim to end all abuses whether they be physical, sexual, verbal, corporate, financial, governmental, etc. Thereby, we are in support of each organization attending the resource and voter registration fair. The Feminist Wellness Collective cannot do it alone! Other feminist groups in Longmont and beyond have paved the way for an organization like FWC to exist.

Please look into supporting the other groups in attendance. Here are links to their websites.

However, I cannot physically attend this event since I will be in labor with my first child! I am getting induced Monday, October 3rd; earlier than planned. Though, I will be there in spirit and solidarity.

Please reach out to me by email at stefanie@feministwellnesscollective.co, on Instagram, or Twitter to let me know if the Feminist Wellness Collective resonates with you. I cannot wait to hear from you and am so excited for you to be a part of this community.


What I told The Guardian about why I’m having kids


Restoration: Permission to Rest