Restoration: Permission to Rest

As defined by the Feminist Wellness Collective

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, its is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.

Audre Lorde

You are worthy of rest, restoration, and recovery. The mentality of constant productivity is rooted in white supremist, capitalist, patriarchal culture.

Feminists, activists, humans need to replenish and refuel. This is especially essential when you are in the process of unlearning.

At Feminist Wellness Collective, we are here to tell you not only is it okay to rest, but it’s crucial for your health and wellbeing.

Accordingly, we follow Precision Nutrition‘s guidelines for Deep Health. Think of it like holistic health, looking at the whole person. The Deep Health factors are Environmental, Physical, Relational-Social, Existential, Mental, and Emotional Health.

Here are some examples of what restoration looks like in Deep Health.

  • Environmental: Feeling safe and secure.

    • Go to your safe space. Is it your room? A place outdoors? Someone else’s house? A community space? Exist there

    • Get outside. Nature can bring feelings of peace, relaxation, and connection to the greater whole

    • Take a social media rest if your online environment is overwhelming

  • Physical: Ensure your body is functioning properly.

    • Sleep for 8 hours

    • Take a rest day from exercise

    • Practice Restorative Yoga

    • Soothe yourself in a bath

    • Do what you need to deeply relax your mind and muscles

  • Mental: Create practices to function best cognitively in order to be creative or problem solve.

    • Practice mediation for at least 10 minutes

    • Find breathing techniques that work for you

    • Spend time in nature

    • Do you want need to remove the mind chatter so you can think critically

  • Existential: Tap into your deepest and most intrinsic self.

    • Remind yourself of what values drive your sense of self, motivations, and offerings in the world

    • Journaling is a great resource, here are some prompts.

    • Talk to your trusted friends and family

    • Do something you love and are great at

  • Emotional: Process your full spectrum of emotions.

  • Relational and social: Cultivate authentic relationships

    • Engage with people who build you up

    • Let go of those who tear your down

    • Be of service to your loved ones, connect with them

Connecting to your deep health, balancing yourself as a whole person uniquely fitted in this life, is imperative for your overall health and wellbeing. It is also crucial when experiencing shifts in your life that come with unlearning and the realizations of how oppression affects you. Correspondingly, when we have a solid foundation and strategies to restore ourselves when obstacles arise, as they always will, then we can take the next steps of empowerment and action.

Feminist Wellness Collective restores your sense of peace in an oppressive world.

We understand your struggles, have your back, and are here to help you build a foundation of restoration. We are here to take the power back from those that are unjustly draining it. In a society that can strip you of your dignity, being your version of healthy makes you like a sunflower on the side of the road. You grow strong roots, you shoot up towards the sun, and you impress everyone on your path.

Keep following for more detailed practices for restoration as this is just a taste! In the mean time, if you’re interested in learning more about Rest as Resistance check out The Nap Ministry who’s founder, Tricia Hersey just published her first book!


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